See, I went out and bought a legitimate copy of
FFXI. Only $20, so why not, if it'll get me authorization codes. They only had the DVD-ROM version, but since I already had the game itself on my HD, that didn't matter. Got the codes, activated everything, then got PlayOnline working.
Only now
FFXI wouldn't work. Shit!
At first I thought it was the video card. Minimum requirements are at least a Radeon 9000 and I only have an 8500. But it'll work with ANY GeForce w/at least 32 MBRAM, so my buddy Barnsey loans me his old GeForce 2 64MB. I rip out my Radeon and put in the GF. But it still keeps giving me the same error message. Agghhh!
So after messing around with it for a day or two, I have to wait until noon Eastern to talk to PlayOnline's online(heh, that's a good one) help, since they're on Pacific. So the guy tells me what the error message I give him means.(becuause, you know, it would just be too easy if the program itself could tell you what was upsetting it)
Turns out that
FFXI is a very jealous program. Not only does it take up your full screen, but it wants your O/S's complete attention. If ANY other program tries to do anything other than just sit there and run, that "takes priority away" from FFXI and kicks it back out to Windows.
So I go into msconfig and shut down everything that's supposed to start in the Startup routine. Still doesn't help. I d/l Ad-Aware and delete everything naughty. Yay, FFXI works now!
Until this morning. I evidently missed one solitary startup thingy, so I finally did what I perhaps should have done from the beginning: created another user account that only has access to PlayOnline and FFXI. No other internet connectivity, no other programs running at startup. And it works! Yay!
I got past my first mission with the help of one of Barnsey's friends, and then I killed rabbits until I got to Level 3. So now, I am a L3 RM, name of Aeric.(because Alain was taken)