Monday, September 25, 2006

Yay not sick anymore...

Finally listened to the new Dixie Chicks CD. I like. And got the new Stone Sour, Come What(ever) May. No 'sophomore slump' for these boys, this albums better than the first one.

Continuing to level up in FFXI. BLM32/WHM18/DRK17.

Bought a copy of Vampire Hunter D from, but when I opened it up, it had slipped off the spindle and gotten scratched all to hell. Arrgh. Time to return.

Got the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Vampire Hunter D novels on order. If it's like last time, they'll be here by Thursday or Friday.

Picked up Lego Star Wars 2. This game...heh. Fun and funny. Some of the cutscenes are nothing less than comedic gold.(Post-ANH Death Star explosion Vader tumbling around in his TIE Fighter like a shoe in a dryer comes to mind)

Friday, September 22, 2006

And so it goes...

I've actually been out of work all week, and have to go to my doctor or the Urgent Care place in the morning to get a note, and even then I'll probably still have to fill out a leave of absence sheet, since I've been out 4 days. Wow...I've been out so long I actually WANT to get back to work.;)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

whee...*cough cough sneeze ache*

Yay, I have the flu. Whoop-de-fucking-do. Hey, that rhymed.

So I've been dosing up on medicine all day, and have slept virtually from 8 Saturday morning to 1 Sunday morning...I actually do feel somewhat better, mostly now it's just a backache, some head and chest congestion. Now off to do something unstrenuous, like trying to get the Summoner job in FFXI

Monday, September 04, 2006

R.I.P. Steve "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin

Man, this sucks. I always said I wanted to go to Austrailia Zoo before Steve got himself killed, but I never thought it'd be like this.

My sincerest condolences go out to Terri, Bindi and Bob Irwin.