Monday, November 28, 2005


I get to go to the dentist in the morning, to have a crown put on. Yay.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Nothing much to report...

Just got done copying the IWA 95 King of the Deathmatch tournament for a coworker of mine, and shisno, I'd forgotten the kind of damage Terry Funk and Mick Foley took in that last match. Makes me want to go to bed and sleep.

Speaking of sleep, I had an odd dream yesterday. I was the leader of a group of some paramilitary status, which also strangely, was composed of this wierd melange of my friends and coworkers. I remember that part of it took place in a Wal-Mart that had old G.I. Joe figures really cheap(also oddly enough, that's a recurring dream of mine, every few months...I think it's a holdover from when I went to a Lionel Toy Warehouse when I was a kid and they had EVERYTHING I could have wanted, but I didn't have any money, and then they went out of buisness, sob), but anyway...

Somehow, someone had kidnapped a person close to one of my team members, and it was our job to rescue this person. The kidnappers were an attractive blonde girl who kind of looked like a petite Maggie Grace and a guy who resembled a coworker. I talked my way into their 'lair'(which was some sort of apartment building) by pretending I wanted to sell this antique Colt .45 which for some reason only held 4 bullets. I distracted the guy while my team took up their positions, then they came in and got him. I went to the girl and I remember somehow fooling her some way with the gun and walking her down the hallway with the barrel pressed against the base of her neck, but then I woke up.

Wierd dream...

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Not much goin' on...

Which is good, since it's so fucking cold today. I intend to stay inside my nice, warm apartment, playing Fable, listening to music, practicing my bass and guitar(which I've been slacking off on lately) and re-reading Half-Blood Prince.

'Playing Fable' in this case means making tons o' money at Card Pairs in Bowerstone South, then going on a killing spree and owning every bit of Bowerstone, Oakvale, Knothole Glade, and Hook Coast that I can. Everything. Eeeeevil...

Friday, November 25, 2005

Sad, so so sad...

So after Blitz night/morning(which both wasn't as bad nor gave me as much OT as I thought, damn it), me and my Halo 2 Clanmate SeargentSnatch go over to a future Clanmate's house for a money tournament. $10 a head between the four of us,(myself as FirstOfThFallen, my bud SeargentSnatch, and our opposition SGT Diehard and snookie) best of five matches, Team Slayer. We decided to alternate duos picking maps and weapon setups to make it more fair, with the fifth game, if it came to that, being default everything.

So basically, Sarge and I just run completely through them for 3 matches. Then Buck(Diehard) decides that the reason we won two matches is because I had set them up for a 25 kill limit instead of 50. So we say fine, play three more 50 kill limit matches, and beat them again.

Then, Sarge convinces me to offer double-or-nothing. And we again just mow through them, having at the point of the third D-O-N win beaten them about 7 times straight.

So now, I'm $40 dollars richer($10 each from Diehard and snookie, but D-O-N rules, so that's $20 each, ka-ching), but I have to wait till their cheap asses get paid to get my money.

Oh well, at least now I get to talk smack to them tonight...that's right, bitches...who's your daddy?

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Gobble gobble gobble...

Actually, not. I hate turkey. I'd eat if if I was starving to death, but not in many other situations.

And tonight...tonight at work is preperation for our day-after-Thanksgiving sale. Yippee! Although one good thing: I will be at work Friday morning until someone actually gives me a direct order to leave. Hello, overtime.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Crappy night at work, take two...

And so it goes. Luckily, tonight the truck should not be very big, and our nearly-useless pruthocrbllib won't be there so maybe it'll all end up okay.

And then, Thursday night will be getting ready for the hordes of morons who will attempt to fight each other for $300 laptops and $99 TVs. But on the plus side, there's several hours of OT on Friday morning. Woo-hoo.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Gah! Missed two days...

But it was the sickness' fault. Now however, I am better.

Not thanks to work, however. They put me on the canned goods aisle, with 4 1/2 pallets, which me and another guy didn't even get completely thrown down until lunchtime. Then, after we only had about half that done, we had to fucking pick everything we hadn't run back up and stack it back on the goddamn pallets.


I'm gonna go kill me a party clown.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Sucks to be me today...

Still sick, so I'm stuck at home, but that works out since I'm nearly broke. Oh well...guess I'll finally beat ROE this weekend.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Slowly unsickening...

Yeah, gotta get better or fake it, cause I've got to go to work tonight. That is all.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Not quite as sick, not quite as tired...

It's amazing what OD'ing on Alka-Seltzer will do for you. I still feel like crap, but at least now my fever's broken and my sore throat and sneezing are but memories of yesterday's sweaty sleep.

Now...on to DayQuil!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sick and tired...

God, what a night. Tired, to start with, and now I'm sick. I'm going to bed.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Post-frag report...

Well, I didn't own my buddy, but he didn't own me, we were, as always, about even. I did own my other bud, his roommate, in Halo 1. Killed him with the 2x Magnum from halfway across Blood Gulch...he was pissed.

Lesse, what will I do this week? Play more Fable: The Lost Chapters, and on Saturday, I'm gonna go see Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. Woot!

Monday, November 14, 2005

I'm off to frag my buddy...

Yeah, going to go play some Halo 2 at a friends house, try to kick his ass some more. And failing that, I'll put in Halo 1(which he sucks at) and destroy him that way.

Then, of course, he'll challenge me to a game of chess, and will totally annhiliate me. Grrr...

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Missed a day, but it's DOOM's fault...

Yep, I've been playing Resurrection of Evil so much that I went to bed yesterday and forgot to post. Oh, well, down the hatch. And after talking to my friend Demon-Fighter Ash today, I found out that, for the first time in our gaming history, I'm actually AHEAD of him in a game that he was playing before I was. Which means I can now give HIM advice. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Once more, nothing much to report...

Except that I'm tired and going to bed, thankyaverrymuch.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Caboose gone retarded...

That's what this one guy I work with is like. I swear, he has no common sense whatsoever.

And I know that the cynic's definition of common sense is 'everything that YOU know and you think everybody else SHOULD know', but really, he doesn't have even PLAIN sense.

I work in the backroom of my store, arranging it and putting things away. That's what I do for about 5-6 hours a night, every night, for almost 3 months now. And last night he asked me "When are we gonna get a backroom guy?" Dead serious.

He complains about having to unload trucks carrying HIS stock...even though he uses an electric pallet jack and thus has to expend no effort whatsoever.

He will walk to the back with his float of stock, aware that you're a short distance behind him(10 seconds or so)pulling a pallet, then leave his float right in your way while he wanders off to go put his cardboard in the baler, instead of pushing his float the extra THREE FEET out of the corridor.

Add to this he's a hypocritical born-again Biblethumper who stares at tits all the time, and there you go.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Yet still, nothing to report...

Still tired, and when I'm tired my brain doesn't work right. Oh, well, maybe tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Nothing to report...

Except that last night was my first night at work in two weeks(vacation and dealing with my grandfather's situation), and it was an almost hellish night, so I'm going to bed. Ciao.

Monday, November 07, 2005

The second true 'Observation'...

I'll get to more current stuff soon, but I'm just trying to clear out all the old stuff from my memory.

This past winter, my town was hit by a snow & ice storm. Well, after being unable to go anywhere for two days, and not having gone to the grocery store before the storm hit, my supplies were running low. There is, however, a grocery store within walking distance of my apartment, so I decided to brave the cold and wind to pick up some neccessities.

Now, as a former Boy Scout, I know how to walk on ice. You don't walk normally, from heel to toe, because with uneven pressure like that, you're more likely to slip and fall. You 'stomp', put each foot down flat as you walk. It's not a sure thing that you won't slip, but it's not as certain.

Well, I'm 'stomping' down the road back from the grocery store, and here comes a guy jogging(yes, jogging) down the sidewalk. It was only snow there, so he wasn't having much trouble. However.

Imagine, if you will, that this crude ASCII is a depiction of the road as I saw it. From left to right you have: Curb, street, curb, hill.


He gets to about where the = is (4-5 feet from the road) and executes a one-leg leading jump...onto what was very clearly a large patch of ice. And of course, within a quarter-second of his foot hitting the ice, it slipped out from under him, with his ass hitting the pavement about a half-second later.

He wasn't hurt, and started laughing. As for myself, I left this future Darwin Award Winner and trudged back to my apartment.

Some people are wheat, some people are chaff.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Off by a day again...but it's not my fault...

See, I went to post yesterday and Blogger was down for maintenance until 6 p.m. EST. However, I was not at home past 6 p.m, and also just kinda forgot about it, you know, "Oh, they're doing site maintenance, I'll come back later"...and then I never did.

Oh well. If that's the biggest mistake I make all week, I'll be doing all right.

And finally get into what the header says the blog is about. Observations from the asinine to the mundane.

I was out at my city's Wal-Mart a few weeks, maybe a month or so ago, and it was actually during the daytime(I usually go after midnight). There's an Amish community in the northern part of our county, fairly liberal. I mean, they dress traditional, no makeup, 'Amish' style beards, but they do have a van that they use to drive into town to go shopping.(I guess since it would take the better part of the day if they used a horse and buggy, plus it'd be on the dangerous side). Well anyway, I'm walking back from the Electronics department up to the door to leave, and I cut through the clothing section. I end up having to veer through the women's section because this woman and her kids were blocking my path. And I almost stumble over a young Amish woman. I'd say she was maybe in her mid-twenties, brown hair, quite pretty...

And she was looking through a selection of skimpy(well, as skimpy as Wal-Mart sells, at least), lacy, some-were-barely-there pink/black/white negligees.

I remember thinking, "Well, someone in the community's gonna have a good time tonight."

And thus ends the first real 'Observation'.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Nothing much to report...

Pretty much says it all. Going to bed, then getting up tomorrow for my grandfather's funeral. All things considered, I guess things are going fairly well, and perhaps by Monday I can get the blog back to what it should be.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Still here...

Yep, I'm still here. Not much to talk about, so I'm just posting for the 'one a day' thing.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

No title.

My grandfather died today, after a pretty valiant fight. Over my life, he's been pretty much the closest thing to a father I had, and I'm going to miss him. But like he told my grandma before this surgery, he'd had a good long time, and he knew where he was going when he died.

I'll see you someday, Grandpa. I love you. Goodbye.

Samuel Gates Rufty -- 4/2/22 - 11/2/05

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Gaming and sleep, that's my sked for today...

Well, the title pretty much says it all. I'm gonna play a little more Fable: The Lost Chapters, then I'm going to go to bed and sleeeep. And then I get to go into work tonight. Yay me.