Yeah, I was online yesterday morning when it started to storm, and before I could get off, the power browned out and did something to make my modem act all screwy. I couldn't get on at all for the rest of the morning, and I was sick, so I said to hell with it and went to bed.
Then I go to get on this morning and it's the same deal. I wanted to get on, however, so I called tech support. They can't figure out what's wrong, I can't figure out what's wrong, so she begins to schedule a service call. Then, magically, the connection comes up...and stays up. How odd.
In FFX, killed Seymour 2.0. A buddy of mine at work had said that, and I quote: "Yo, that dude fuckin'
spanked me the first time." Well, I annhilated Seymour. I swarmed over Seymour like white on rice. I picked up Seymour and shook him like a dog with a dead bird in its mouth. I came, I saw, I kicked his ass!
Had 2 Black Magic Spheres(which let another character learn any Black Magic spell one character has already learned) and 1 White Magic Sphere(same thing w/White). Taught Lulu(Bl. Mage) the White technique Holy because her Magic stats are so high; taught Yuna(Wht. Mage, Summoner) the Black technique Flare because etc, etc; and taught Rikku Flare also, just to have three people who can cast it. An unintended bonus was that Lulu now has a possibility for her Overdrive of Flare Fury. Eee-hee-hee-hee!
Then, I got to the Calm Lands. Got to the Monster Arena. Got one of each of the nine Calm Land species and the Monster Arena guy made a better monster out of them. The Chimerageist.
That thing kicked my ass so many times I lost count. First off, I had Lulu cast Flare and Tidus did an Overdrive. The Beast used Aqua Breath and killed Lulu right off the bat. I quickly Summoned Bahamut and used MegaFlare, doing around 23000 HP damage...and then the thing fucking
kills Bahamut in 2 hits! Physical hits! So I summon Shiva and use Diamond Dust...doing 0 HP damage. Great, it's immune to Ice, I think. Boom, slap, dead Shiva. Summoned Ifrit, used Hellfire. 0 HP damage. Great, it's immune to elemental attacks. Boom, slap, dead Ifrit. Brought Lulu back from the dead, used Flare Fury...dead Lulu, dead Tidus, dead Yuna. Tried again. Summoned Bahamut knowing he'd die; then summoned Vastria knowing he'd die; used Kimahri's Jump, Rikku's Mix, Tidus' Spiral Cut, Auron's Dragon Fang, and Lulu's Flare Fury...and not only is the damn thing still alive, but most of my peeps are dead! Wait, they're ALL dead. I lost count of how many times it beat me, but finally I hasted Yuna before Tidus died, then concentrated on keeping her and Lulu alive and casting Flare and Holy, and after about 80000 HP, the damn thing finally dies.