Monday, April 03, 2006

The quest for the Aeons...

Yeah, I've got Valefor, except I renamed him.

See, I sometimes make weird sound assocciations, and when I saw Valefor on the screen and prounounced it 'Val-i-four', I realized that it sounded like 'Valley Forge'...kind of, at least.

So now that I couldn't keep Valefor, I racked my brain for a name. Usually, I'm very good at coming up with names for games(old Final Fantasy's, Fable, Morrowind, KOTOR 1 & KOTOR 2), but I was so tired I was drawing a blank. So I shut the game off and went to bed.

When I started again the next day, inspiration struck, and I named him 'Vastria'. Kinda Russian-sounding, almost.

And now I've got Ifrit, and am on my way to get Ixion. After that, Shiva, Bahamut and Anima; because I have no interest in Yojimbo or The Magus Sisters.

And then, tomorrow, the movie I've been dying to see comes out. I'm gonna get the special edition, then come straight home and watch it, as the masterfully adapted story of two gay cowboys is presented in an Oscar-worthy way...oh, fuck it, I can't keep this up. No, I'm not getting Brokeback Mountain(or, as some of my coworkers put it, Bareback Mountain). I will most likely never watch that movie, mainly because I hate hate hate HATE Heath Ledger.

Nope, I'll be getting the two-disc SE of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe. Woot!


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