Christmas time is over...
And so it is. Got some pretty good stuff; Mirror's Edge for 360, some CD's I wanted, some movies I wanted, some clothes I needed. Got my friends some good stuff and got some in return...and I did it all in less than $400! Yay me.
Just got done with my cardio routine(HIIT) and then showering, probably gonna go play some more Fable 2 or perhaps start up Mirror's Edge.
Which brings to mind a funny statement I saw on GameFAQs. On the Mirror's Edge board, there was, of course, a topic asking how hot do you think Faith(the player character) is. One guy said "That's the ugliest Japanese chick I've ever seen."
The next post was something along the lines of "She's not Japanese, she's Korean."
Just got done with my cardio routine(HIIT) and then showering, probably gonna go play some more Fable 2 or perhaps start up Mirror's Edge.
Which brings to mind a funny statement I saw on GameFAQs. On the Mirror's Edge board, there was, of course, a topic asking how hot do you think Faith(the player character) is. One guy said "That's the ugliest Japanese chick I've ever seen."
The next post was something along the lines of "She's not Japanese, she's Korean."