Saturday, November 15, 2008

Interesting weather...

So here I am. Just played some Gears of War 2(which, by the way, rules) with my buddy Brother Love a while ago, then got online to check my email, surf the net, etc. And now I'm sitting here listening to my new Loreena McKennitt Christmas album A Midwinter Night's Dream and what should I hear but...wind.

Not just a breezy wind, a rather majestic, forceful wind that's actually blowing the curtains in. A whistling wind that's cooling mi casa quite nicely. The clouds thicken, rain threatens, the wind blows... Loreena sings "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" as I type this post... A sense of peace comes over me. This is a good day.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Five months again...

I'm going to try and not let it come to this much time again.

Well, what's happened?

First off, Evan Tanner, the subject of my previous post, died in September. That really sucked.

In gaming, I finally beat/whored Eternal Sonata, just in time to begin playing Lost Oydyssey, which I then forsook the next day for Fable 2, which is quickly becoming my favorite game of the year. And this coming Friday is Gears of War 2, then next Tuesday is Mirror's Edge, which I d/l'ed the demo for and will go play in a bit.

In life, we've switched to a new stocking system at work and...well, let's just say that things are going to get worse before they get better. And we're coming up on our post-Thanksgiving super-sale, so that's going to be interesting...

Now, off to do...something.