Yeah, took my buddy SGT Diehard to Charlotte, to the comic store Heroes Aren't Hard To Find. He wanted to get back into comics, so he paid for gas and I drove. While I was there, I picked up Dr. Slump #4(KIIIIN!), a couple of $1 comics(Marvel Team-Up #135 and Deathstroke the Terminator #1), the Rouge/Mystique Minimates, and Batman's 'The Long Halloween' by Jeph Loeb. And now, I hear that the weather is supposed to be crappy tonight, with ice. I'm praying for ice, because if the roads are icy, I will not be going into work.
Saw 'Goblet of Fire', and while overall it was good, I did have issues with certain things.
Brendan Gleeson played Moody, IMO, wrong. He should have been more serious, deliberate, and not so "Whaaa!! I'm a crazy old codger, Whaaa!!!"
Poor, poor underused Alan Rickman. And I bet Gary Oldman was embarrassed to pick up his check.
And I wish they'd forget Cuaron's PoA demonstration: 'Expelliarmus' doesn't toss people ten feet through the air; that would be 'Stupefy'.
The Barty Crouch angle was just executed wrong; there was no mystery to it, since we'd already seen him. Add to that, he's still alive.
Ralph Fiennes, however, was an excellent Voldemort. Kinda miss the snake eyes, but oh well.
Emma Watson and Katie Leung at the Yule Ball. Drooool....
Mostly, I feel the movie could have been better with just perhaps an additional 10 minutes of exposition. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I don't usually mind them taking things out for time purposes, but I DO mind when they take things out and replace them with things that didn't happen in the book!