Monday, October 31, 2005

Onward through the evil...

Well, I finally started to get some decent armor and ammo in ROE, but then I found several Mancubus'...Mancubuses...Mancubi? Anyway, a couple of the fat fucks were down in the tunnels, and having not found a Plasma Gun yet, I had to Chaingun the freaks.

And lemme just say that I love love love love LOVE the Double-Barreled Shotgun. The long reload time keeps it from taking the regular Shotgun's place as #1 on my 'Favorite Weapons' list, but it's definitely #2.

So anyway, once the sun comes up, I'm starting a game of Fable: The Lost Chapters, then I will eventually eat and go to bed. To sleep, perchance to dream...of Doom 3!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Not the greatest post in the world...

Food...I have...Food!

(begins to get ready to go out and get...Food!)

Saturday, October 29, 2005

One down, several to go...

Just beat Fable a little while ago, for the first time. Not a bad ending, and a nicely designed final boss in Jack of Blades. And I got the 'good' ending, so I can continue to go around and do...stuff.

Next up: continuing Doom 3: ROE. The horror...the horror...

Friday, October 28, 2005

Resurrecting Evil with Doom 3: ROE...

So far, a good game. Story-wise, I understand why there's so little ammo and equipment scattered around: it's Site 1, which hasn't been used since before the original Doom 3.

Still, it's damned inconveniant. I've got 2 rounds left in the Pistol w/flashlight(not a bad innovation, though one wishes they'd put flashlights on all the weapons. But, as my friend Miggy noted after the Doom movie, it didn't seem to help them much). I've got a fair amount(70 or so) of ammo for the Shotgun, a couple hundred rounds for the Machine Gun, about 10 Grenades(which I'm finding a lot more useful in ROE than in the original, for some reason), and the Artifact. Still, I wish I had more rounds for the pistol: it comes in handy for taking out Lost Souls or blowing up barrels. Oh well, them's the breaks.

And now, to bed, so that I can go to a friend's for a Halo 2 party...I think.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Doom, doom, doom...


Finally beat Doom 3 a little while ago. When first seeing the cyber-demon, my reaction was some combination of a Bill Engvall "Huhhhh!", a Mego Spidey "Heichi-mama!" and my own "Motherfucker!"

Jeez louise, that thing was frickin' HUGE! And took me a while to beat, until I realized I had to Soul Cube it a couple times. And at least, this time, your bunny survives. One assumes.

Now it's off to sleep, then wake up and either go hang w/a bud or start Resurrection of Evil.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I'm gonna sing the Doom song now! Doom doom, doom-doom doom...


Finally got down to some serious Doom 3 playing, finally got through to the Otherside. And wow.

Hell is beautiful.

I mean, yeah, it's scary, craggy, flamey, and full of death on a stick, but this is without doubt the best looking XBox world ever. Doom 3's hell is a paradise of slick textures, awe-inspiring backdrops, and terrifyingly rendered rooms and hallways. Right now, I'm about to go to bed, so can get up around 2 a.m., then play some more.

That's right, I'll be playing Doom 3 in the dark. With my headphones. While I go through Hell.

Should be one...heck of a ride.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Vacationing in my scenic apartment...

Yeah, that's what I'm doing. Since, you know, I don't have the money to actually go anywhere(and besides, it'd be pretty fucking cold at the beach in October), I'm just R&R'ing at mi casa. for the next four days. Or, three and a half days, since this is almost 2:30 on Tuesday.

Hmm...not really much to write about, but I'm still trying to keep my 'at least one post a day' rule, so, um...I guess I'll go get something to eat, then perhaps crash for a while. See, I'm trying to beat Doom 3, but since I cut my teeth on Doom 1 & 2, then Quake 1, I firmly believe that the best way to play a Doom game is in the total pitch darkness of night, with no distractions. And since I'm a considerate fellow, I'll even use my headphones.

Eeee...My skin's already getting goosebumps just thinking about it. I'm currently on the hunt to reactivate Delta Lab's reactor, and a friend tells me that, in good ol' J.R.'s words, "Buisness is about to pick up." Here's hoping that buisness doesn't involve me being scared into an arrythmia.

Monday, October 24, 2005

It's just like a vacation, only not...

So I had one more week of vacation I had to take before my 'year' was up at work, and if I didn't take it, I lost it. So what the hell, here I am sitting at home, and I don't have to go to work this whole week. To quote Mego Hulk: "Eee hee hee hee hee!"

As to what I'll be doing: well, I'm going to finally finish Doom 3 and KOTOR 2; I intend to actually beat Fable(which I've still never done even once...and I bought the damn game the day it came out last year); finish reading Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary, perhaps write some, perhaps d/l some, and do some work towards getting in shape. Also, there will be sleeping, eating, and just plain relaxing. As well as just miscellanous stuff that I can do, but would be quite boring to go into the details of.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Regular posting schedule: phailed...

Okay, so I'm off by one day. It's not my fault! I got down to hang w/my buds yesterday, went and saw Doom. Here follows my official review.

Set Design/Mood: 10
Acting: 6/10
Plot: 5/10
Creature Effects: 9/10

The set design and feel of the movie were near dead-on. The writers/producers/director/set designers obviously spent several hundred hours playing Doom 3. The acting wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't horrible either. The Rock was decent enough, and Karl Urban wasn't bad, but you don't go see a movie like this expecting Royal Shakespeare Company-level performing. The plot: I honestly don't see how you could get a story like Doom's(the game) wrong, but they did. No 'demons', just the old standby of 'mutated humans'. Bleh. Creature effects were another strong point, as Stan Winston's boys did a great job. Imp, Pinky, Baron: all on the screen and looking good. Overall: 7.5/10

But, by the time we got back, we were watching our newest compatriot play Indiana Jones & The Emperor's Tomb, then we watched all the Halo cinemas, then it was today and time for bed. And now I have to wait another...hour and fourteen minutes till McDonald's serves lunch. Oh well, at least I'll be hungry.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Waiting for the gas man, take two...

So I go over to my grandparent's house again today, call the gas people, and let them know that I'm there and will remain so. (At least until my mom, uncle and grandmother get back from visting my critically ill grandfather, at which time my grandmother will be there.) So guess what happens?

Right. No one shows up. No one calls, no one in a gas/furnace repair truck so much as drives by the house. When the family gets back around noon, my uncle calls them, and they say it'll be at least Monday before the parts come in and the furnace can be fixed. These would be the parts the guy ordered last week after barely even looking at the furnace, let alone trying to figure out what's wrong with it.

Let me put it the situation this way: You call the mechanic because something is wrong with your car, and he tells you "Yeah, we'll fix it as soon as we order the parts." The problem here is that, unless your car is emanating psychic signals and your mechanic is a techno-telepath, there's no telling if the parts will fix your car, since he doesn't know what's wrong with it. Understand now?

So after dealing with that crap all morning, then finding out from the family that my grandfather still isn't doing any better(it's just a matter of time, pretty much), I think I'm just going to call it a day and go to bed. Mmm, bed...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Waiting for the gas man...

Yep, that's what I'm doing. Waiting for the gas man to call my grandparent's house, then, when he gets no answer cause they're not there, call my house to tell me he's at my grandparent's house and wants to be let in. So I'll go over there and let him in so he can look at their gas furnace and see if it can be fixed or if it needs to be replaced.

Oh, did I mention that while I'm waiting my family is out of town visiting my sick grandfather, who's doing quite badly at the moment? Or that I've been up all night at work and have the options either of A, staying up until the gas man calls(which could be anytime today); or B, going to sleep and hoping the ringing phone wakes me up(I'm a heavy sleeper) so I can interrupt my sleep and go over there to let him in.

Yay! Ringing phone!

Fuck. Just my uncle, telling me(needlessly) about the second crawl space under my grandparent's house that the gas man already knows about, so that I can then tell the gas man about it. Plus he's not even at the hosptial yet, so I couldn't get an update on my grandfather.

Oh no, my life's not too difficult...perish the thought.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Keeping a regular posting schedule...even if it kills me...

Basically, I'm very tired. Two days of less than six hours sleep each day, followed by 10 hours at work each night, and I'm pretty much just typing this so that I'll keep up the 'one a day' rule I've set for myself. Good night.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Hoping to keep a regular posting schedule...

Hopefully, I'll manage to post at least once a day. This morning I got the 2-disc version of Batman Begins and watched it with a couple of Halo 2 buddies who'd never seen it. Not only did and does the film kick ass, but I'm reminded of when I took my buddy Jim to see it.

Every time Katie Holmes came on screen, he'd turn to me and say "That goddamn Tom Cruise."

Monday, October 17, 2005

Damn it, slept all night again...

I'm off weekends, but during the week I work 3rd shift. It's great. I love it. However.

On the weekends, sometimes my sleep sked gets screwed up. Take Sunday night, f'r instance. I go to bed about 9, intending to get up around 2, then stay up till about 10 or 11, then go to bed again till 8:30 Monday night, then get up and go to work.

Nuh-uh. Didn't happen.

Slept from 9 Sunday night to 5 Monday morning. Which means I'll probably be up till at least 2 or 3 this afternoon, and will be exceedingly tired at work tonight. And I'm the guy who has to do it all tonight, so that just rocks. Well. What to do, what to do...

Ah. I know. Post about it in my blog(done), then watch DVD's and play some games till I fall into bed, an exhausted shell of a human.

After all, what more can one really ask for?

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Reality TV is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse...

At least, normal reality TV.

See, I just got Comedy Central's Drawn Together on DVD and have been watching it. And while I've always had a mild hatred for shows such as The Real World, Fear Factor, Survivor and the like, it had never truly occurred to me just how ridiculous they were.

Until, that is, DT began to mercilessly and totally show the absolute idiocy of them.

Honestly, some of the situations on DT are so over-the-top that one can only laugh either in genuine hilarity, or disbelieving horror. And yet, you would not be surprised, you would not be surprised if you saw that same plot on some MTV reality show.(Tangent: Lord God how I hate My Super Sweet 16. All those girls should be crucified. Upside down. While being boiled in oil. The parents should just be beaten repeatedly about the head and face for raising such spoiled, self-indulgent, totally-unprepared-for-the-real-world-and-the-only-redeeming-quality-about-their-existence-is-that-it'll-be-amusing-to-watch-them-crash-and-burn-when-they-try-to-make-it-on-their-own bitches. End Tangent.)

Ahhhh...I feel much better. To sleep, perchance, to dream.

It has begun...

And so it has. Welcome to my blog. What will you find here? Well, at times there may be nothing you won't find here. As the header says, these are just going to be my thoughts and observations on the things I see from day to day.